Monday, August 16, 2010

Cobbler VS Crisp?

Home at last! 6 days in Portland was too long to be away from home. But I had a fabulous time and ate A LOT of delcious food, wine, and desserts!

Ryan and I went to the farmers market Sunday to get our fruits and veggies for the week. We were having dinner guests Sunday night and wanted to use as much food from the farmers market in our meal as possible. We decided to make tacos and a Peach and Plum Crisp.

I woke up wanting to make a cobler and asked my Aunt Renee to send me her famous recipe. With the recipe she sent a message saying "You will be banned from Healthy Blogging if you make this...". I opted for a healthier option! (sorry Aunt Nee)

Ryan was in charge of the tacos. He bought ingredients from farmers to make Pico de Gallo and we found a stand selling mexican food that made us a bunch of yummy corn tortillas! We picked up some pork and chicken on the way home. Ryan makes this amazing sour cream sauce. We call it "Schloupa". It's sour cream, chipotle powder, lime juice and this special garlic seasoning. He is not willing to share the amounts of everything he put's in it!!! I'll get it out of him eventually.

Ryan's Taco:
And...we made fresh lime juice margaritas! Lot's of work to get all the lime juice out, but so worth it.

Fresh Lime Juice Margs: (serves 2)
Lime Juice (1/4 cup-ish....)
2 shots of tequila
splash of water
shaken on ice!!

* You can adjust to your tastes. We didn't really measure so I am just guesstimating here.

Everything tasted so good. It was so nice to be eating a home cooked meal.

(my taco didn't have any cheese or Schloupa. Depressing.)

Since I didn't run much these past few days I wanted to get a long run in today. I set out on a 6.4 mile run and at about mile 6 I hit a wall. Every muscle in my body was working so hard to move me forward but I wasn't going anywhere! Well anywhere fast that is. Perhaps too many desserts!

I'm on the road for the next two days. Meetings back to back to back, and so on...I hope I don't loose my voice.

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